Saturday, 9 February 2008


I've been thinking a lot about Passion. What does it mean? Do I have it?

When Tom (Youth minister) and Gavin (Vicar) were asked to wait on the Lord for what He sees when He looks at me. They both had the same word...Passion.

God sees passion? Is He really looking in my direction or was He looking at someone over my shoulder? I think as I've pondered this I have some words to add to how God sees me.

Passion...(on my terms)

I have a great passion for God and for leading people in worship to Him but sure that's just leading some songs? As long I look lost in 'worship' and seem like a respectable chap in church service then job done...right? Oh how wrong.

I think this word is meant to challenge me as I live my life as 'a holy and living sacrifice' because after all that is TRUE worship. Everytime I don't help a friend, don't clean the dishes, hold back from doing something because I don't really want to do it, I'm not living as though I've got Passion!

I need help

I need more of God

I need more Passion.

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