Sunday, 11 May 2008

God's heart

In the last few months I've come to realise more and more how rubbish I am. I say/do things I shouldn't, I don't do/don't say things I should. I have a big problem....I'm human (good to know I'm not alone). I'll always do something wrong but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try.

I've noticed this has impacted the songs I've been writing as a trend has occurred. Lines like -

"I need YOUR heart to break ME", "I need YOUR heart", "Give me YOUR heart"

keep coming up again and again. I need God's heart, I'm rubbish on my own. I constantly need to go back to God and ask Him to sort me out.

I long for that day when I'll be complete and I stop annoying myself and other people

My prayer-

'Create in me a pure heart, O God...' Psalm 51:10

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